matthew robertson photo essay

Welland Triathlon

The Mike Burwell Memorial Triathlon in Welland, Ontario, takes place along a recreational canal. The venue is beautiful, and the 2005 race saw perfect weather and warm water. While the event was open to anyone, this also hosted the Short Course Championship -- also known as the "sprint" distance, this is a 750 metre swim, 20 kilometers biking, and a 5 kilometer run.

The race began with a swimming mass-start done in three waves. Each wave is identified by the colour of its swim cap.

Exiting the water was done on a temporary staircase and assisted by volunteers.

There's no bike riding allowed in the transition areas. Running in the specialized bike shoes adds an additional challenge -- some athletes do this section barefoot.

Approaching the finish line.

Multisport Canada, the host organization, also had photographers and videographers documenting the event.

And the Ontario Association of Triathletes were on hand to officiate. These events draw an enormous number of volunteers, without whom these events would never happen. So, from an athlete and a fan, thank-you to everyone involved.

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Previous Photos

The Queen's Wharf
Jyllands-Posten Protest: Toronto
The Bathurst Street Bridge
The Brickworks Collection, 2005
Fort George, Niagara-on-the-Lake
Barrie and Kids
Welland Triathlon

Full Archives

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